Spencer Tunick flew to the Dead Sea

Spencer Tunick flew to the Dead Sea

With his camera for a shooting spree

This vision he had

Was not at all clad

You can see from where the subjects pee

A museum in Denmark, did pick

A museum in Denmark did pick

A great artist to do his trick

When they gave him cash

He fled in a flash

Not sure if he’s a genius or prick

A German was looking through trash

A German was looking through trash

Then noticed something in a flash

He found some old art

Grabbing it was smart

‘Cause those things are worth quite some cash

Robot research is making head way

Robot research is making head way

And the future will be here someday

Sophia’s getting a start

By making some art

And out their asses people will pay

At a yard sale, an antique was sold

At a yard sale, an antique was sold

But its value had not been foretold

Some experts did say

It’s worth 500k

For that price, it had better be gold

A man left some art by Tanguy

A man left some art by Tanguy

As his airplane took to the sky

Luckily, he got it back

As it’s worth a fat stack

But if I lost that thing I’d just die

Is this one the fourth or the fifth?

Is this one the fourth or the fifth?

I’m done with this fucking myth

What once was rare

Is now ev’rywhere

Let’s just be done with the monolith