In the world, there are only a few

In the world, there are only a few

One living at New Orlean’s zoo

She went on a date

And found a nice mate

Now Menari is pregnant with two

Rats are your typical pests

Rats are your typical pests

In dumpsters, where they build their nests

Trav’ling Rome in masse

And smelling like ass

As boars are their unwanted guests

Two pandas were born at the zoo

Two pandas were born at the zoo

So small they could fit in a shoe

Xiao Xiao and Lei Lei

I think’s how you say

The names of these fans of bamboo

Pets, they can make perfect friends

Pets, they can make perfect friends

They’ll love right up ‘til their ends

But some cats and dogs

Been replaced with hogs

And others that belong in pens

The school’s near forests and trees

The school’s near forests and trees

Which is great at blocking the breeze

Raccoons live there too

And nobody knew

They’d infect the whole school with fleas

The tenant could not pay his debts

The tenant could not pay his debts

Vacating without some assets

The landlord showed up

To do a checkup

Instead found a houseful of pets

They think this shit hole is nice

They think this shit hole is nice

Especially, given the price

As the inmates leave

Their own nests they weave

As the prison is now run by mice

Some people care for stray cats

Some people care for stray cats

With treats and kisses and pats

And feeding a duck

Is not gross as fuck

But it is when it’s 20 rats

Some jobs are for dogs and for cats

Some jobs are for dogs and for cats

To which they are paid in soft pats

Now Magawa is done

But he had a good run

Now a legend among bomb-sniffing rats

This story comes from zoo in Berlin

This story comes from zoo in Berlin

Locked up in their cages, they’ve been

The monkeys got out

And wandered about

But have since been returned to their pen

Remember that steer that got out?

Remember that steer that got out?

In Rhode Island, he’s roaming about

He’s managed to evade

His death, he’s delayed

Let him go, he just wants to hang out

A koala was the cause of a crash

A koala was the cause of a crash

Five cars piled up in a flash

someone pulled him from the road

And his life he owed

As payment, he fucked up her dash

At the Brookfield Zoo out in IL

At the Brookfield Zoo out in IL

Malena needed more than advil

Her hip being replaced

Is only one problem she faced

As now she needs cash for her bill

Sadly, this thing is quite rare

Sadly, this thing is quite rare

Politicians who work like they care

From that dog and the goat

Our guys should take note

Cuz these animals are better, I swear

The rodent emerged from its burl

The rodent emerged from its burl

Set its sights on an innocent girl

Attacked her right quick

The sneaky lil’ dick

So beware of this asshole-ish squirrel

The Sumatran is a dying breed

The Sumatran is a dying breed

Zoo keepers encourage “the deed”

To the newborn that came

Kawi, is the name

Better than Bentleigh, or Jaxton, or Tweed

Everyone loves their cute pet

Everyone loves their cute pet

All the stress, it can help them forget

Over 200 Guineas

Is way too manys

Not to mention, all of their shet

Florida usually feels like a sauna

Florida usually feels like a sauna

Which is great for the flora and fauna

“It’s gonna get cold”

The forecast foretold 

From the trees, may be a falling iguana

A fan base, the turkey procured

A fan base, the turkey procured

Which truly is quite absurd

He was an asshole at times

And was charged for his crimes

So a death sentence, was giv’n to the bird

Joyful chipmunks

Joyful chipmunks carry nuts on their cheeks and play peekaboo
But they dig out holes in your garden; they come out of the blue
Having them around has its pros and cons
They’re so cute but they can destroy gardens and lawns
They gather as many acorns as they can for when the winter comes through

A naughty suspect

A naughty suspect, named Jack, appeared out of the blue
Jumping through the city; a lovely kangaroo
His owner didn’t shut the gate all the way
So Jack pushed it open and got away
But the police managed to capture him after they got a clue

Rocky Raccoon was pleasantly fat,

Rocky Raccoon was pleasantly fat,
Upon the road he merrily sat;
I came fast round the curve,
But despite my best swerve,
The trash panda is presently flat.

Australian Classic

While pig shooting out on the bogan

I came across a dirty great big pig grogan

It was long brown and thin

With leathery skin

It looked like fucking Paul Hogan

Cats are the best

To those who have not had a cat
I tell you it is “all that”
They shit and they piss
They claw and they hiss
Then eat their own hair ‘till they yak

A lady while dining at Crewe

A lady while dining at Crewe
Found an elephant’s whang in her stew.
Said the waiter, “Don’t shout,
And don’t wave it about,
Or the others will all want one too.”

A horny old trapper named Rex

A horny old trapper named Rex
Liked the risks of wild porcupine sex.
By incredible luck
His dick never got stuck,
But his nuts were just pitiful wrecks.

There once was a girl from New Haven

There once was a girl from New Haven
Whose pubic hair was not shaven.
But missing because
She slept without drawers
Within range of a nest building raven.

There once was a man from Tahiti

There once was a man from Tahiti
Who went for a swim with his sweetie,
But as he pursued her
A big barracuda
Made off with his masculinity!

There once was a girl from Decatur

There once was a girl from Decatur
Who got laid by a big alligator.
Now, nobody knew
The result of that screw,
Because after he laid her, he ate her.

There was a young lady of Worcester

There was a young lady of Worcester
Who dreamt that a rooster seduced her.
She woke with a scream,
But ’twas only a dream
A lump in the mattress had goosed her.

Old mother hubbard

Old mother hubbard
went to the cupboard
to get her poor dog a bone
but when she bent over
rover took over
and gave a bone of her own!

A bugger who buggered some sheep

A bugger who buggered some sheep
Tried to bugger a ewe in her sleep.
She awoke with a start
And she ripped a great fart.
Now he’s covered in shit three feet deep.

There was a young maid from Madras

There was a young maid from Madras
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think,
It was grey, had long ears, and ate grass!

Old Charlie, a jolly old bloke

Old Charlie, a jolly old bloke
Made love to a cow as a joke
He found pleasure divine
With this friendly bovine
Now they call him the old cowpoke!

The vicar of Santa Domingo

The vicar of Santa Domingo
Said to the curate, “By jingo!
Blast women and boys,
I need some new joys!”
And he promptly fucked a flamingo.

There once was a man from Peru

There once was a man from Peru
Who was desperately hanging out for a screw.
He picked up a mole
And rammed home his pole
Then said, “Jesus, that was Long overdue.”

There was a young gigolo named Bruno

There was a young gigolo named Bruno
Who said, “Screwing one thing i do know.
While women are fine,
And sheep are divine,
Llamas are numero uno!”

Said Siegfried to Roy at the zoo

Said Siegfried to Roy at the zoo,
“Be careful in all that you do,
Keep those lions at bay,
Or it will, I must say,
Be the first time a pussy ate you!”

An Australian farmer called Blue

An Australian farmer called Blue
Had a twenty foot didgeridoo.
They say that he slept
With the sheep that he kept
And he didgeridid them all too.

Linus pissed his kennel, to be sure

Linus pissed his kennel, to be sure,
At least he missed most of his fur.
I’m cranky, I tire
Heavily I respire
I’ll croak if much more I endure.

Gershwin enjoyed the caress

Gershwin enjoyed the caress
Of the cows that he kept and I guess
Out of all of the herd
Which he screwed he preferred
To be stuffing his porky in Bess.

There once was a dog named Linus

There once was a dog named Linus;
He was a yippy thing – no shyness.
His kennel he wet
And started to fret
And woke me up with a pain in my sinus.

There once was a fellow from Yuma

There once was a fellow from Yuma,
Who told an elephant joke to a puma.
Now his skeleton lies,
Under hot western skies,
The Puma had no sense of huma!

A broken-down lecher named Tupps

A broken-down lecher named Tupps
Was heard to confess in his cups:
“The height of my folly
Was diddling a collie –
But I got a nice price for the pups.”