This poor pup fell into a crack

This poor pup fell into a crack

Where food and water did lack

Then five days passed

Now’s free at last

Safe at home now, she is back

These leaders were having a chat

These leaders were having a chat

And quite a good one at that

But Peanut thought

He’d risk a swat

Being cute is what he is good at

A woman was holding her pup

A woman was holding her pup

When she dropped it, it didn’t get up

Drove to cops, in her car

Who then gave CPR

Damn, that lady really fucked up

This girl, for her dogs she did care

This girl, for her dogs she did care

So she leapt on a whim and a prayer

Went in unarmed 

And came out unharmed

Which is lucky when shoving a bear

Bill’s life had come to an end

Bill’s life had come to an end

Left all his cash to his friend

So the bank added up

What he left for the pup

5 mil’s a lot for one dog to spend

A man from Turkey went to the ER

A man from Turkey went to the ER

So Boncuk, she followed the car

The daily trek, she endured

‘Til the day he was cured

Dogs are better than humans, by far

Ben and Jerry’s has made a new treat

Ben and Jerry’s has made a new treat

Something yummy for your dog to eat

But seems unnecessary 

The treat made of dairy

As they like to eat their own sheeet

A pup who’d been gone for five years

A pup who’d been gone for five years

Her family, so sad, filled with tears

But her microchip

Showed ownership

Her reunion, it called for much cheers!

Florida men get a really bad wrap

Florida men get a really bad wrap

Usually taking drugs or some crap

But this guy is good

And did what he could

Saved his pup from a gators death snap

A dog named Cleo

A dog named Cleo went missing and it was a pity

But she showed up on her old house which was 50 miles away from Kansas City

Nobody knows how but she got her way

She went to a city that was many miles away

After a couple years she still remembers her old house; she’s really witty