The limerick form is complex

The limerick form is complex
Its contents run chiefly to sex
It burgeons with virgins
And masculine urgins
And swarms with erotic effex.

A virginal coed named Sherrie

A virginal coed named Sherrie,
Awoke in the morning quite merry.
After cocktails last night,
To her utter delight,
She gave up her status as “cherry.”

Sweet Mary the Celibate

Sweet Mary wanted to stay celibate

for a man with wealth and intelligence

She ran from the alter

For balls like Gibraltar

On a dimwit hung like an elephant

The Girl From Arabia

There was a girl from Arabia

A devout Muslim, Mohammed was her savior

To save her from sin

The surgeon cut in

And removed every bit of her labia.

They switched to the topic of sex

They switched to the topic of sex,
which left them both quickly perplexed
’cause she was still virgin,
and and he stunk like sturgeon,
and both were as old as a t-rex.

There once was a freshman named Lin

There once was a freshman named Lin,
Whose tool was as thin as a pin,
A virgin named Joan
From a bible belt home,
Said “This won’t be much of a sin.”

There was an old virgin named May

There was an old virgin named May
Who lived to her hundredth birthday
There came a horrible smell,
From up in her well
Seems her cherry had rotted away

There once was a freshman named Lin

There once was a freshman named Lin,
Whose tool was as thin as a pin,
A virgin named Joan
From a bible belt home,
Said “This won’t be much of a sin.”

A virgin by name of Miss Prim

A virgin by name of Miss Prim
Is exceedingly ugly and grim;
But she still gets her joys
In the absence of boys
From the toys she employs in her quim.