Big tits save lives
Even if considered lies,
A bullet from an unknown source
Took a different course
Because of her enhanced boob size
Keep it Dirty!
Big tits save lives
Even if considered lies,
A bullet from an unknown source
Took a different course
Because of her enhanced boob size
A kinky young girl from Coleshill,
Tried a dynamite stick for a thrill,
They found her vagina,
in North Carolina,
and bits of her tits in Brazil.
The nipples of Sarah Strong,
When excited, are twelve inches long.
This embarrassed her lover
Who was pained to discover
She expected no less of his dong.
There was a young fellow named Fritz
Who planted an acre of tits.
They came up in the fall,
Pink nipples and all,
And he chewed them all up into bits.
A certain sweet girl from Key West
Was uncommonly large in the chest.
Any man’s close attention
To her outside dimension
Brought his own measurement to its best.
There was a young lady from Nizes
Who had tits of two different sizes.
One was so small,
It was nothing at all,
But the other was quite large, and won prizes!
There was a young lady named Claire
Who possessed a magnificent pair;
Or that’s what I thought
‘Til I saw one get caught
On a thorn, and begin to lose air.
There once was a girl named Hortence,
Whose breasts were very immense.
One day, while playing soccer,
Out popped her left knocker,
And she kicked it right over the fence.
“My harem now has what it lacked,”
The sultan expansively cracked.
“There are bunk beds for all
Where the dears wait my call,
Since the women I ball must be stacked!”
A young woman from the Land Where the Sun Rises
Had boobs of unequal sizes.
The left one was small
And didn’t seem abnormal at all,
But the right one was so huge it won prizes.
There once was a lady from Nizus,
Who had breasts of two different sizes,
One was small,
and round like a ball
And the other was big and won prizes
The was a young lass from Carshaltan
Who had a long tit and a short ‘un
But to make up for that
She had a fuckin’ great twat
And a fart like an 850 Norton
There was a young girl who begat
Three brats, by name Nat, Pat, and Tat.
It was fun in the breeding,
But hell in the feeding
When she found she had no tit for Tat.
There was a young lassie from Morton,
who had one long tit and one short ‘en,
on top of all that,
a great hairy twat,
and a fart like a six fifty Norton.
There was a young lady from Nizes
whose breasts were two different sizes.
One was so small
it was nothing at all,
but the other was huge and won prizes.