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strange science

A mathematician named Hall
Had a hexahedronical ball
The square of its weight
Times his pecker plus eight
Was two-thirds of three-fifths of fuck-all

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Sweet Mary the Celibate

Sweet Mary wanted to stay celibate

for a man with wealth and intelligence

She ran from the alter

For balls like Gibraltar

On a dimwit hung like an elephant

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Man From Trent

There once was a man fron Trent,

Whose dick was so long is was bent,

To save his wife some trouble,

He bent it in double,

And when he came he went

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There once was a lad from Helsinki

There once was a lad from Helsinki
Whose prick was the size of a Twinkie
Said a whore, “For a shilling
I’ll suck out the cream filling,
But we can’t fuck ’cause your thing’s too dinky.”

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there once was a genie

there once was a genie

with a ten foot weenie

so he showed it to the lady next door,

she thought it was a snake

and cut it with a rake

and now its only five-foot-four

Original Content

She started to fondle and grope

She started to fondle and grope
“My god! It’s so huge! I can’t cope!
It’s ENORMOUS”, she cried.
And he laughed and replied,
That’s my leg you’ve got hold of, you dope.”