Some people are born trans or gay
This school showed that is okay
They waved their pride flag
As they dressed in drag
Then made the field into a runway
Keep it Dirty!
Some people are born trans or gay
This school showed that is okay
They waved their pride flag
As they dressed in drag
Then made the field into a runway
Jurie thought the contest was unfair
Saying “The crown, she’s unfit to wear”
She took to the stage
In a jealous rage
And snatched the crown right off her hair
Bernie Sander’s is not one for glitz
Or spending weekends staying at the Ritz
Some may think he’s extreme
But a good guy, it would seem
He raised money selling his funny mitts
The inauguration, Bernie Sanders was there
And people were thrilled about his outerwear
Quite crazy, it seems
That it spawned many memes
When all he did was sit in a chair
There was a young man from St. Paul’s
Who read Harper’s Bazaar and McCall’s
Till he grew such a passion
For feminine fashion
That he knitted a snood for his balls.
My god! Do you call that a dress?
The material couldn’t be less!
What there is, is so thin
And transparent; it’s a sin,
And causing me trouser distress.