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Fuck Donald Trump

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck You

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck You Times Two

Fuck Donald Trump

Right In His Rump

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck You

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Three sisters in Ohio

Three sisters in Ohio gave birth on the very same day

No one thought it could happen that way

Between a 4 and a half hour span

The babies were added to the clan

Odds of that happening were 1 in 50 million, a 1998 AP story did say

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A man from Detroit

A man from Detroit became a lottery winner by mistake
He went to a gas station to put air in a tire and wanted change to take
He got a $10 ticket but the clerk gave him the $20 one
He kept it and ultimately he won
Something told him to keep it; there were $2 Million at stake

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A Russian prankster

A Russian prankster posed as an U.N. chief
He reached to the Poland president but he kind of was in disbelief
He thought something wasn’t right
The troll sounded convincing but not quite
A pronunciation gave him away so the prank was brief

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resident of the town of Albany

In 1994, a resident of the town of Albany suffered a burglary
A lot of things were stolen, including a Television and some armory
A resident had recently got the shotgun in his possession
But he didn’t steal it according to the investigation
All the things, including the shotgun were returned to their owner on its 26th anniversary

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The Liberty County deputies

The Liberty County deputies in Georgia thought they had it under control
But the body they found on the railroads was that of a sex dole
When the Coroner arrived, they started to inspect
They checked the body; it was anatomically correct
They thought it was a human but it ended up being the work of a troll

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Joyful chipmunks

Joyful chipmunks carry nuts on their cheeks and play peekaboo
But they dig out holes in your garden; they come out of the blue
Having them around has its pros and cons
They’re so cute but they can destroy gardens and lawns
They gather as many acorns as they can for when the winter comes through

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A naughty suspect

A naughty suspect, named Jack, appeared out of the blue
Jumping through the city; a lovely kangaroo
His owner didn’t shut the gate all the way
So Jack pushed it open and got away
But the police managed to capture him after they got a clue

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A dog named Cleo

A dog named Cleo went missing and it was a pity

But she showed up on her old house which was 50 miles away from Kansas City

Nobody knows how but she got her way

She went to a city that was many miles away

After a couple years she still remembers her old house; she’s really witty

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Asleep on a porch was found the fugitive of the week

Asleep on a porch was found the fugitive of the week
Apparently, he didn’t understand the rules of hide and seek
He was supposed to hide to avoid arrest
But he decided to lie down and get some rest
When the policemen found him, they probably thought “this man ain’t slick”

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A man faked his death

A man faked his death; he “was’ from New York
His death certificate had a typo; he must feel like a dork
He wanted to avoid jail
But it ended up being a fail
All of the plans he had; and no one seemed to work

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One dumb ass cop

One dumb ass cop

Blew his fuckin’ top

He thought he saw a finger

Got pissed when it did linger

Turned out his issue was a flop

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A a pal of Trump named Roger

A a pal of Trump named Roger

Turns out to be a great dodger

Trump is receiving resignations

From men escaping damnations

Perhaps it’s time to again Impeach that old codger

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