Original Content

The proud lady nudist

A proud lady nudist from Cottham
Had a very large boil on her bottom.
Every male who glanced it
Was eager to lance it,
In spite of her threats to garrotte ’em.

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A crack about vanity

A vain man from North Carolina
Thought a goatee made him look all the finer.
His beard gave such grace
To his so-handsome face,
But his mouth now looks like a vagina.

Original Content


The was a young lass from Carshaltan
Who had a long tit and a short ‘un
But to make up for that
She had a fuckin’ great twat
And a fart like an 850 Norton

Original Content

Engineer dave

There once was an engineer named Gene
Who invented a sex machine
Concave – convex it take either sex
but oh what a baster to clean