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Hot seat

There once was a woman unnamed,
Whose sphincter was sore and inflammed,
With one application,
of “H” preparation,
Her personal problem was tamed!

Original Content

A hooker named sue

There once was a hooker named Sue,
Who filled her vagina with glue,
As she said with a grin,
If they’ll pay to get in,
Then they’ll pay to get out of it too!

Original Content


A cheerful young Dyke from Deluth,
luckily lost her front tooth.
The space would provide,
an erect clit to hide
bringing pleasure without being uncouth

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There once was a girl from Wenatch
Who diddled herself with a match
When she got excited
The match it ignited
And burned all the hair off her snatch

Original Content

there was a young woman

there was a young woman from wharton street
her pussy was fat and juicy and sweet
so she opened her leg wide
for me to get inside
only then did she feel complete

Original Content


there once was a girl from Peru
who had nothing much better to do
so she sat on the stairs
and counted cunt hairs
four thousand three hundred two!

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