Original Content

A Man from Racine

There once was a man from Racine

Who invented a fucking-machine.

Concave or convex, it could do either sex,

But boy was it a bugger to clean.

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There once was a lad from Helsinki

There once was a lad from Helsinki
Whose prick was the size of a Twinkie
Said a whore, “For a shilling
I’ll suck out the cream filling,
But we can’t fuck ’cause your thing’s too dinky.”

Original Content

Bude (Cornwall, England)

There was a young lady of Bude
Who went for a swim in the nude
But a man came along
And unless I am wrong
YOU thought the last line would be RUDE.
(Last line to be recited in disapproving voice)

Original Content


There once were two men of Cawnpore
Who buggered and fucked the same whore
But the partition split
and the spunk and the shit
Fell out in great lumps on the floor.

…filthiest I know

Original Content

there once was a genie

there once was a genie

with a ten foot weenie

so he showed it to the lady next door,

she thought it was a snake

and cut it with a rake

and now its only five-foot-four

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